Is desire a bad thing?
Should you feel bad about wanting to have your bare skin naked against another? To feel their lips pressed against your own? It is the ultimate and deepest form of connection between two human bodies. We can argue emotional connection another day (as that is also amazing and fucking life-changing).
But the connection, the desire, for a body, a piece of meat on top of you, inside you, around you; that’s the desire.
But, what if you’re married? One is often forced to ask the question, is this type of desire gone and dead the minute you say, “I do?”
I was born to believe that yes, it’s over. Sure, you can watch porn and jerk off and fantasize, but no more touching. Never. That’s a sin and you’re devoted in word and deed to the single person you have chosen.
Hell, I was even in a relationship where even just flirting with someone was seen as an act of betrayal demanding days and sometimes weeks of ongoing conversation and quietly sewn distrust.
But through trust and really, a realization that we are sexual beings, you can find a happy medium; balance between love and lust.
Therein is the key to a lasting and honestly, loving relationship. It’s the ultimate love between two people that can set the pathway to desire (call it lust if you will) to flourish.
It is empowering to know your spouse loves you gives you the green-light to get a blow job while on a business trip. It is life altering to tell your spouse about the hot stud you made out with at the bar.
The freedom to succumb to your desire — to be whole with someone else — and know your beloved is at home waiting is the life altering experience we all desire.